鎴戝彧鍠滄浣犵墖灏炬洸鏄-Never Let You Go姝岃瘝浠嬬粛
銆€銆€鎴戝彧鍠滄浣犵墖灏炬洸鏄?Never Let You Go姝岃瘝浠嬬粛
銆€銆€銆婁腑鍥芥ⅵ涔嬪0銆嬬浜屽鎴愰兘璇曢煶浼氫簬鏄ㄦ櫄(2014骞?0鏈?2鏃?21:00鐧婚檰涓滄柟鍗锛屼紬澶氫紭绉€鐨勫鍛樼浉缁х櫥鍦猴紝鍏朵腑鏈変綅鍚嶅彨钀ㄥ悏鐨勯€夋墜鍥犲叾鐙壒鐨凬ew Age椋庢牸鍜屼技鐜嬭嫢鐞崇殑澹扮嚎鑰岃瑙備紬璁颁綇銆?/strong>
銆€銆€How can I fake it over
銆€銆€we don t talk anymore
銆€銆€I m staring at the stars I wonder
銆€銆€If you see the same
銆€銆€Here I am again with memories
銆€銆€your face with smile
銆€銆€we were young and foolish but now we are only with sorrows
銆€銆€I can t hide my love
銆€銆€when I look into your eyes
銆€銆€trying keep your pace but somehow you re miles away and I say
銆€銆€I will be good for you
銆€銆€And I will love the world you said I should
銆€銆€But I love nothing in the world but you I ll
銆€銆€never let you go
銆€銆€I m sitting by the window I m well and you
銆€銆€remember those days that faded
銆€銆€Am I losing you
銆€銆€sunlights are raining filled up with springs
銆€銆€But I m without you
銆€銆€All the memories came out of love and laughter frozen still
銆€銆€I can t hide my love
銆€銆€when I look into your eyes
銆€銆€trying keep your pace but somehow you re miles away and I say
銆€銆€I will be good for you
銆€銆€And I will love the world you said I should
銆€銆€But I love nothing in the world but you I ll
銆€銆€never let you go
銆€銆€But I love nothing in the world but you I ll
銆€銆€never let you go
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